pcInformant uses technology that may trigger false-positive alerts in some anti-virus softwares. To prevent any issues, please press the button to copy the path to pcInformant, and add it to your anti-virus exceptions list.
If an Anti-Virus software issues a false alarm, pcInformant may not operate fully.
To fully ensure that pcInformant runs correctly, you will need to add an exclusion or exception to your AntiVirus software.
Press the "Copy Path" button below and paste it into your AntiVirus software exclusion or exception section.
- Open up pcInformant by pressing CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + P
- Go to Settings -> Application Settings
- Press Antivirus Information
- Press the "Copy Path" button
- Open Avast Free Antivirus
- Press Menu -> Settings -> Exceptions
- Press the "Add Exception" button
- Put in the path by pressing CTRL + V in the Add Exception text box
- Press the "Add Exception" button
- Open up pcInformant by pressing CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + P
- Go to Settings -> Application Settings
- Press Antivirus Information
- Press the "Copy Path" button
- Open AVG
- Press General -> Exceptions
- Press the "Add Exception" button
- Put in the path by pressing CTRL + V in the Add Exception text box
- Press the "Add Exception" button
- Open up pcInformant by pressing CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + P
- Go to Settings -> Application Settings
- Press Antivirus Information
- Press the "Copy Path" button
- Open Avira
- Click the cogwheel in the bottom left corner of Avira
- Press PC Protection -> Real-Time Protection -> Exceptions
- In the files and Folders to be ignored by the System Scanner and Real-Time Protection, put in the path by pressing CTRL + V in the Add Exception text box
- Click "Apply" and then "OK"
- Open up pcInformant by pressing CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + P
- Go to Settings -> Application Settings
- Press Antivirus Information
- Press the "Copy Path" button
- Open BitDefender
- Click Protection on the navigation menu on the Bitdefender interface.
- In the ANTIVIRUS pane, click Open.
- In the Settings window, click Manage Exceptions.
- Click Add an Exception.
- In the Exceptions Options Text Box, put in the path by pressing CTRL + V
- Click SAVE
Visit BitDefender to view how to add exceptions by
clicking here
ESET nod32
- Open up pcInformant by pressing CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + P
- Go to Settings -> Application Settings
- Press Antivirus Information
- Press the "Copy Path" button
- Open ESET
- Press the F5 key to access Advanced setup.
- Click Detection Engine, expand Exclusions and click Edit next to Performance Exclusions.
- Click Add → Browse (...)
- Put in the path by pressing CTRL + V
- Click OK → OK to save the exclusion.
- To see a video demonstration, Click Here
- Open up pcInformant by pressing CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + P
- Go to Settings -> Application Settings
- Press Antivirus Information
- Press the "Copy Path" button
- Open your F-Secure program.
- On the left navigation bar, select Tools and then select App and file control. Note: You need administrative rights to access these settings.
- Select the Excluded tab. This view shows you a list of files and folders that have been excluded, if any.
- Click Add new.
- In the folder text box, put in the path by pressing CTRL + V
- Select >OK
- Click Close to close the window
- Open Kapersky
- Select the Anti-Virus protection section on the left
- The anti-virus protection settings are shown in the right part of the window.
- In the Scan exclusions and trusted applications section, click the Settings button.
- The Trusted zone window opens on the Scan exclusions tab.
- Click the Add button.
- The Scan exclusion window opens. In this window, you can create a scan exclusion using one or both of the criteria from the Properties section.
- In the Properties section, select the folder check box.
- Click the select folder link in the Scan exclusion description section to open the folder window.
- In the folder text box, put in the path by pressing CTRL + V
- In the folder window, click OK
- In the Scan exclusion window, click OK
- In the Trusted zone window, click OK
- To save changes, click the Save button.
- Open up pcInformant by pressing CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + P
- Go to Settings -> Application Settings
- Press Antivirus Information
- Press the "Copy Path" button
- Open Norton
- If you see the My Norton window, next to Device Security, click Open.
- In the Norton product main window, click Settings.
- In the Settings window, click Antivirus.
- In the Antivirus settings window, click the Scans and Risks tab
- Under Exclusions / Low Risks, do one of the following:
In the Items to Exclude from Scans row, click Configure.
In the Items to Exclude from Auto-Protect, Script Control, SONAR and Download Intelligence Detection row, click Configure.
- In the window that appears, click Add Folders
- In the Add Item dialog box, click the browse icon.
- In the dialog box that appears, select the item that you want to exclude from the scan.
- Put in the path by pressing CTRL + V
- Click OK.
- In the Add Item dialog box, click OK.
In the window that appears, click Apply, and then click OK.
Panda Dome
- Open up pcInformant by pressing CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + P
- Go to Settings -> Application Settings
- Press Antivirus Information
- Press the "Copy Path" button
- Open your antivirus program, select the Settings menu, Antivirus, and go to the Exclusions section:
- From the Files and folders option:
- Click Add.
- Put in the path by pressing CTRL + V
- Click Ok
Visit Panda Dome to view how to add exceptions by
clicking here
- Open up pcInformant by pressing CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + P
- Go to Settings -> Application Settings
- Press Antivirus Information
- Press the "Copy Path" button
- Sign in to Sophos Home dashboard
- Select the computer where you need to make the exclusion.
- Click on the PROTECTION --> General --> Exceptions to enter your exclusions
- Put in the exceptions path by pressing CTRL + V
- Press Enter
Visit Sophos to view how to add exceptions by
clicking here
Trend Micro
- Open up pcInformant by pressing CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + P
- Go to Settings -> Application Settings
- Press Antivirus Information
- Press the "Copy Path" button
- Log in to the Trend Micro WFBS console, then click Devices tab.
- On the left pane, select the group that you want to configure, then click Configure Policy.
- Click Antivirus/Anti-spyware on the side menu.
- On the Target tab, click the [+] button beside Exclusions.
- Select the Enable Exclusions checkbox.
- Make sure the checkbox for Do not scan directories where Trend Micro products are installed is enabled
- To exclude specific directories, under "Do not scan the following directories", put in the exceptions path by pressing CTRL + V, and then click Add.
- Click Save
Visit Trend Micro to view how to add exceptions by
clicking here
Visit Webroot to view how to add exceptions by
Clicking Here
Windows Security
Visit Webroot to view how to add exceptions by
Clicking Here